Our work is centered around three priorities: growth, community and faith. We aim to grow disciples who will help others grow in their journeys (Matthew 28:19-20). We aim to contribute positively to the community around us, assisting with local needs and inviting others to journey with us (Micah 6:8). And we aim to raise awareness of who Jesus is, what He has done for us and how He wants us to respond to Him (Matthew 22:32-34).
We use our Discipleship Framework to evaluate whether the set of activites we are pursuing as a church are providing opportunities and spaces that can support people at any stage of their relationship with Jesus.
If you know nothing about Jesus, we want you to be able to find a space here where you feel welcomed and encouraged to ask questions. And if you are in deep relationship with Jesus, we want you to be able to have opportunities here both to serve others who are just beginning and to be supported in your own continued journey.
We talk about setting intentions for the activities we do together to support relational progression: Get Acquainted (with GCF and with Jesus); Get Together (with each other and with Jesus); Get Equipped (with tools and information to grow our faith); and Get Deeper (in relationship with Jesus).
And we talk about how we are empowering individual choices to practice discipleship. We talk about opportunities we give you to take action on individual choices to Get Right (with God); to Get In the Habit (of abiding with Jesus); and to Get Alongside (with God's plans for our lives).