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We would love for everyone at GCF to work through the Abide lessons at least once, whether following Jesus is brand new for you or you've been journeying a long time. We talk a lot at GCF about living in relationship with Jesus, and Abide is a practical guide to walking in relationship with Jesus day-to-day. Investing time in this program is a choice you will not regret! 

This year we're going to build in some breaks (to rest, reflect further, or catch up) and offer the Abide lessons in three parts: Part 1 focuses on establishing habits of spending time with God; Part 2 is about how to listen to God's instruction for you (Part 2 will begin in January); and Part 3 is about how we respond to what God says to us (Part 3 will begin in the spring).  

If you've done Abide before, you're welcome to come back for a refresher anytime; if there's one particular section you'd most like to revisit, you can join for just that one part. 

Sign up here for Part 1, which will begin with an introductory session and then work through the first six lessons. 
