GCF Kids is our group for kids & their families! 

On Sundays, we offer a teaching time for kids in JK-Grade 5. We use curriculum from Newspring Networks that includes music, bible stories, memory verse challenges, video content, and interactive activities that reinforce the "Need to Know" for each week. Kids are dismissed from the service around 10:15am and move into a classroom adjacent to the sanctuary with their teachers; teachers return kids to the sanctuary when the service is over.  

For kids under 5, we have a Family Room space for parents to use with their kids on Sundays as desired. There are materials from the same Newspring series available in the Family Room each week to help you be the first one to teach your child about God: a Bible story you can read to your child; a Need to Know colouring sheet; a memory verse you could work on learning with your child; and a posted prayer you can pray over children too young to engage with the materials. Of course there are toys and snacks available there as well! Audio from the sanctuary is available in the Family Room.

Keep up with what's happening! Our Breeze calendar is accessible below, click on a date to see more info about each event; or create a Breeze account (which you can access through our app) and follow the GCF Kids calendar there.