Huddles are very small groups of at least 3 and no more than 6 individuals who meet consistently to support each other in an ongoing journey of abiding in Jesus. 

If you want to hear God's voice of guidance and transformation in your own life more clearly, and you want to say "yes" to what He asks more often, you're ready to huddle! All you need to do is find two other people you know well who share that same desire.  Choose to huddle with people you know well enough to continue building a foundation of trust (perhaps people you have gotten to know at Alpha or Abide or Oxygen or Anvil), but who you don't know too well (e.g. we advise that you choose people you don't live with or spend a lot of time with in your day-to-day life).

Each time you get together with your Huddle, you will share and reflect on these 3 questions:

  • What has God been saying to you since the last time we met?  
  • What milestone moments or answered prayers can we celebrate with you? 
  • How can we pray for you? 

The purpose and importance of these kinds of conversations is discussed as part of the Abide program; we recommend completing Abide at least once before participating in a Huddle and/or forming your Huddle with at least one person who has completed Abide. 

Because Huddles are built on existing trust-based relationships, they can be joined by invitation only. If you would like to start a new Huddle with two or three others you know, 'register' your Huddle here.  We'll provide you with more information to help you get started; attend your first huddle to answer questions and provide further direction; and check in with you periodically throughout the year to see how things are going.